Another Goodbye

Another Goodbye

Once again I come to a crossroads in my ministry career. It’s time to pack my bags and say, “see you later” to those of you I’ve traveled with for the past two years, some longer.

Saying, “farewell” is never easy. I’ll say all of this with as much emotion as I can muster, but I don’t want to prolong anyone’s awkwardness with an already awkward situation, so expect me to speak here with an uncharacteristic lack of eye contact.

Two years ago I was coming off of the most difficult ministry experience of my life. So many things were happening, all at the same time, that I was literally overwhelmed. OakCreek came on the scene at a time when I wasn’t even sure which way was up or where I was. The leaders here allowed me to come in and take the necessary time to rest, recuperate, and begin the process of recovery.

One year later, the leaders entrusted me with your church as Mike went on Sabbatical. I was asked to hold the reigns and by God’s grace and your mercy, was able. That summer rekindled my passion for preaching and teaching. It was a catalyst, reminding me of the mission of the “Big C” Church – to make mature followers of Jesus.

On Mike’s return I began to pay attention to the leadership team’s priorities and goals. I was in a unique position of speaking into that team and influencing decisions without casting a vote. I’ve been in the room as decisions were weighed and measured, as finances were balanced and giving was analyzed. I was privileged to hear the heartbeat of this team as they planned and prayed.

During the last few months, I began to feel a sense that my spiritual gifts were not going to be used for much longer at OakCreek. There has been a consistent priority amongst leadership and what I offer isn’t really a part of that plan. There is nothing wrong with where OakCreek is headed. From my first day here, OakCreek has pushed for a building and a Spanish-speaking ministry. It’s looking like those two priorities will soon becoming to fruition. These are unique opportunities that should further the kingdom of God.

Am I disappointed by how things have turned out? Of course! No one wants to lose their job. I’m surprised and confused and hurt. But I need you all to understand this very clearly: You must not be offended on my behalf! In fact, I ask you follow my example and offer forgiveness in the midst of a terribly uncomfortable situation.

The unity of the church will be threatened whenever we allow foolishness to overcome. We can’t let this circumstance define this (or any) church. Our culture is hell-bent on making every issue two sided and adversarial – black versus white, Democrat versus Republican, Apple versus PC. Every day we are faced with choices to allow our small differences to define and then divide us. Here today we are faced with a similar situation. We can choose to be offended, hurt, and angry, or we can choose to forgive, reconcile, and love.

This choice comes to us because of who Jesus is. It’s not something that we can just come up with on our own. In fact, on our own it would be impossible. It is only by the grace of God’s mercy on us that we can experience the love necessary to see such forgiveness. Remember what we are gathering each Sunday to celebrate? The resurrection of Jesus. Remember why this is significant? Jesus died. Jesus suffered a humiliating and degrading death on a cross so that we can experience his love. His love for us that was proven by his sacrifice. His love for us that is secured by the gift of the Holy Spirit.

When the Holy Spirit lives within us, we can experience grace and peace from God as well as grace and peace one to another. No matter how unfair, unexpected, or uncomfortable our experience might be – we can know peace. We can show peace.

Paul was constantly telling the church to watch him. So I ask you to watch me. Here I am, living in a moment of uncertainty in a situation that in a corporate setting might have turned ugly. Instead I’m choosing to sacrifice my pride and humble myself so that the name of Jesus might be glorified. Watch me, not so that you can see how amazing I might be (because I already know how broken and sinful I actually am). Watch me so that you might see the glory of God revealed in his provision. Watch me so that you might see the mercy of God revealed in his protection. Watch me so that you might see the peace of God revealed in his power.

When you check in with me on Facebook, or read my blog, or see me at the comic book store, look at me so that you might see just how worthy of worship God is. Because this is not about me. This is about God and his great glory. I’m not in control here. Like Job, I’m strapped in for a roller coaster I didn’t choose to get on. But I am confident that through this all I can say, “Blessed be the name of the Lord!”

Thank you for traveling with me on this part of our journey. Thank you for caring for me. Thank you for befriending my wife. Thank you for helping to raise my children in the faith and knowledge of Jesus. Thank you for indulging my love of super heroes and Star Wars. Thank you for allowing me to serve you and teach you and grow with you. Thank you for making this a place of peace.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face shine upon you. May he lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. Go in peace.

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